Organisational change



Clarity worked as co-leaders planning and implementing a large multi-disciplinary project to decentralize a key function. Clarity helped us to bring a clear structure to the way the project was organized and bringing a real emphasis of quality of communication to the project. Clarity’s role in the project was extremely beneficial enabling us to keep the hearts and minds of the whole team, including those who were directly involved in the restructure process. The result was that almost the entire team stayed with the company and transferred successfully into the new decentralized roles. Board members commented with satisfaction and surprise at the degree of success with which the whole project was conducted! 

The results were as good as we could have wished for, with the project delivered on time and well within budget. It also succeeded in the key qualitative deliverables we had hoped for – keeping the majority of our staff, keeping their faith in the company, and ensuring the function in question was able to continue to provide a suitable level of service throughout an extremely challenging period.


While working in partnership with Helen on a major change programme, I felt I always had a very strong person in the background helping me down the new path.  Helen has a very relaxed and open style of communication, which allowed me to come forward with my ideas and discuss them openly.  She was always very supportive of whatever decisions that were agreed.  Helen would gently push me when required by getting me to plan ahead and set goals.

The change programme was extremely successful. Staff were required to make and accept many changes.  I needed guidance on how to bring about the required changes more effectively from a HR perspective.  With the assistance of Helen we successfully introduced and implemented all the HR Project elements within the time frame and I learned a great deal personally and professionally.