Getting change deep into the DNA
There’s a massive gap between most change initiative goals and what is usually achieved. Mostly it’s down to lack of attention on the ‘human element’. It’s not soft stuff.
If you truly want to create business growth, change culture or lift customer service experience, you need inspirational authentic leaders, supportive underpinning conditions, energised, engaged people and clear pathways on how to achieve it.
We partner with you to design, plan and deliver change that sticks.
Clear leadership
There are ever growing demands on leaders. Market conditions and political shifts mean we all need to be more adaptable to meet change and uncertainty. Our people want us to be inspirational and create a meaningful vision. They also want us to be authentic and honest.
Leaders are ‘climate creators’ creating ripple effects; affecting yourself, your people, your culture and the quality of business, customer experience and the bottom line results.
A leader’s job is about results, but even more it’s to inspire your people’s results and bring out the best in others in a way that builds future business health. And it’s not just what leaders do, it’s the way you do it.
- Having real authentic interactions
- Creating meaningful context and vision that inspires realistic hope
- Developing an environment of trust
- Engaging with people in a supportive and challenging way that recognises people’s strengths and contribution
- Travelling the journey in an authentic manner, good times and bad
Optimum conditions
Businesses need to have the right enabling conditions in place for people to be fully engaged, creative and agile and to enable your business outcomes. There are critical success factors for any intervention to be successful. These might include:
- Ensuring aims are clearly linked to the business strategy
- That change is supported and advocated from the top
- Systems and processes support the changes
- The right people in the right jobs
- Clarity on roles and expectations
- Relevant MI and data supporting decision making
- Recognition and reward to encourage behaviours you want
- Practical ways of working that underpin the change
- Ways of communicating and engaging
People Engagement
Despite the obvious importance of an engaged workforce, most companies are failing at this challenge. According to Gallup, only 31.5 percent of the U.S. workforce considers itself engaged in work. (Gallup defines engaged employees as those who are involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace.)
Gartner’s research shows that 89 percent of companies now expect to compete primarily on the basis of the experience they provide customers – and remarkable customer experience depends largely on fully engaged employees.
We partner with you to create an inspiring and motivational context to work in – uplifting the human spirit and innovation to deliver brilliant service and financial results.
Having vision isn’t enough; people need to know how to build clear pathways and practical plans, which deliver successful outcomes.
To make changes stick means translating it over time into mindsets and ways of working so that it is embedded and integrated. We place a huge emphasis on working with people on the job, actively translating learning into the work environment and day-to-day behaviours. Successful change implementation is down to the quality of execution by your leaders and managers and quality of their relationships and communication that brings the vision into real day-to-day ways of working. This creates the experience your people and your customers want.
To deliver results, our team of inspirational role models and experts help catalyse a change of mindsets and behaviour, taking time to translate new ways of working into the job and embedding the change into the organisation’s DNA.
Tangible results, accelerated performance
Even if yours is a product, technology or process driven business, it’s your people and the way they work that is the difference between good and outstanding. This is even more critical in a service delivery business. To deliver growth or change or outstanding customer experience, relies on engagement, meaning and trusting relationships as well as embedded ways of working.
There is so much compelling research to show that companies in the top quartile of engagement scores achieve so much more than those in the bottom quartile.
In its 2016 Employee Engagement Benchmark Study, Temkin Group revealed that companies which excel at customer experience have “1.5 times as many engaged employees as do customer experience laggards.” Employee Engagement Benchmark Study, 2016.
Gallup’s research shows that companies with highly engaged workforces outperform their peers by 147% in earnings per share.
Gallup found that companies that achieve higher engagement have levered business results too (Gallup, 2014).
Harvard Business Review research found that engaged workers are 3.5 times more likely to solve problems and invest personal time in innovation than unengaged workers.
HBR research also found that a compelling strategic vision delivers 6 times more to shareholders than that of a profit driven company.